Shan M. (She/Her)

Howard Brown Health

After suffering from uninhabitable living conditions in her old home and spending time in the hospital as a result, Shan got connected to Howard Brown Health to set herself on a path more suited for her. She’s since found herself a comfortable new home, a loving community, and is getting ready to pick up her nursing career again!

I’m really excited to get this moving process going! I was tired of staying at my old place […] it sent me to the hospital. I had an ulcer because there was black mold and lead in the house - and I kept having these asthma attacks. Even as I’m with you guys my stomach’s burning [laughs] but it’s ok, I have my antacids.

-Shan M.

“I’m going to start up nursing again soon, so my sister in law was like ‘you have to get a good desk!’”

- Shan M.

Shan’s been fantastic! She’s very much grown and evolved during our time working together - she’s a joy to be around. […] What you guys do here is so essential, not just to [Shan] but to anyone who’s going through our housing process. It’s definitely takes our housing initiative to another level.

- Ricardo, Caseworker at Howard Brown Health

About Howard Brown Health:

“Rooted in LGBTQ+ liberation, Howard Brown Health provides affirming healthcare and mobilizes for social justice. We are agents of change for individual wellbeing and community empowerment. Howard Brown Health envisions a future where healthcare and transformative social policies actualize human rights and equity for all.”

“This is perfect! There’s so much [more than I expected]. I like all of it, I like to get creative so I’m excited to arrange it all soon. I’m just still so overwhelmed [laughs] it’s a lot.”

- Shan M.