Supporting Families That Lost Everything to Fiberglass From Their Mattresses

When people think about the possibility of losing everything they own, they usually associate this dramatic situation with natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, or fires. Rarely do they imagine that such a catastrophic event could occur due to the presence of one of the most common objects most people have in their homes – mattresses. Unfortunately, mattresses containing fiberglass are extremely dangerous, and owning one may be a disaster waiting to happen.

Fiberglass is a type of reinforced plastic, sometimes called glass wool using glass fiber, a material that is very similar to that in kitchen drinking glasses and windows. Since 2007, it has become mandatory for manufacturers of mattresses to include a fire retardant in their products. Because fiberglass is widely available and inexpensive, it is the go-to option in this respect for numerous companies that make mattresses, especially for those who manufacture cheap mattresses in China.

Why Is Fiberglass in Mattresses Dangerous?

While mattresses that contain fiberglass rarely have a zipper on their cover, some do, and those are the most dangerous. The existence of a zipper on the cover of a mattress that has fiberglass inside suggests to consumers that it is safe to remove the cover for laundering, which is false. When you take off the cover of a mattress with fiberglass, the inner layer where the harmful material lurks is exposed, and tiny shards of glass can quickly spread through the entire room and subsequently through the whole house.

One company that includes fiberglass in mattresses is Zinus, a pretty popular brand in the United States. However, due to its design defect, the presence of a zipper on the cover, and the failure to warn owners about the dangers of removing the cover, a lawsuit was filed against the manufacturer in the spring of 2020, in which approximately 200 plaintiffs were involved at the moment. Not only can exposure to fiberglass severely injure you, but it can also cause you to lose all of your belongings as a result of contamination.

The injuries one can experience as a consequence of fiberglass exposure range from skin rashes and skin lacerations to upper respiratory infections and chronic breathing problems. For some families, the medical expenses incurred take a heavy toll on their budget, particularly if their home was also turned upside down because of fiberglass contamination. The cost of hiring a professional team to have fiberglass removed can cost up to $20,000.

How Numerous Families Have Lost Everything to Fiberglass Contamination

Perhaps the most tragic situation is families who had no other viable option but to throw away their lifelong possession because fiberglass could not be removed from their homes. Since fiberglass is made of tiny shards of glass that are sharp and have rough edges, they easily stick to objects made of or covered in fabric, such as couches, drapes, carpets, armchairs, clothes, pillows, and blankets.

Regrettably, not even the most experienced cleanup team can undo the damage fiberglass has done in cases like this. If these families do not have relatives or friends nearby who could provide housing, they have no other choice but to temporarily live in hotel rooms or their cars until they find a place they can call home. It is these people who need help the most. The core mission of Chicago Furniture Bank is to offer stability, comfort, and dignity to people who are facing poverty, regardless of the reason. Consequently, we partnered up with the people behind the campaign to help families who go through a difficult time due to what fiberglass has done to their living situation.

Chicago Furniture Bank Is Providing Families in Need with Furniture

We decided to partner up with the Environmental Litigation Group, P.C., a law firm focused on toxic exposure, that launched the Zinus Replacement Campaign to provide as many impoverished families as possible with a new and safe mattress. We are currently collaborating with their legal team and offering them furniture to people who have been left with nothing.

Finally, if you would like to help families affected by fiberglass exposure and contamination with products other than mattresses, you can do so by participating in the Zinus Help campaign. You can choose to donate any objects that can be used to families who were left with nothing, and the legal team will send your donations to the people who request the exact product you provided.